Can I Wear a Sports Mouth Guard with Invisalign Aligners?

Are you considering Invisalign treatment or have recently put on Invisalign aligners and wondering if you can wear a sports mouth guard while correcting the position of your teeth? Learn more about how to wear a sports mouth guard with Invisalign.

Can I Wear a Sports Mouth Guard with Invisalign Aligners?

Are you considering Invisalign treatment or have recently put on Invisalign aligners and wondering if you can wear a sports mouth guard while correcting the position of your teeth? The answer is no, as wearing a sports mouth guard over Invisalign aligners would be very bulky, uncomfortable and impractical. You have to wear one or the other.


treatment can vary widely, from 6 months for treating mild overcrowding or relapse, to 24 months for treating severe malocclusions. However, if you had a custom-made sports mouth guard before treatment with Invisalign, it may no longer fit properly after 1 or 2 months of treatment with Invisalign and it may be uncomfortable or even not fit on your teeth, since they have changed position. One complication of wearing a sports mouth guard with Invisalign is that the teeth will constantly move throughout the Invisalign process. You can also wear a custom mouth guard for the next few years, as they are very durable and your teeth will no longer move due to Invisalign treatment.

To help reduce any discomfort while wearing your aligners, you can drink cool water to help gently numb the sore area. You can drink water while you're wearing your aligners, so you don't need to take them off. Avoid sugary drinks, such as juices or soft drinks, which can cause tooth decay and damage your teeth. Every time you remove the Invisalign trays, it's crucial to clean them properly. Dry saliva and plaque create a perfect breeding ground for smelly bacteria.

Soaking the aligners in a denture cleaner, Retainer Brite, or the official Invisalign cleaning crystals are great options for keeping the trays clean and disinfected. You can also clean your aligners with a mild, transparent, antibacterial soap.